Hello!! I am Neha… 


I express myself with doodles and sketches.

I thrive in the energy of collaboration and co-creation.

I enable purpose-driven leaders empower their creative pursuit!

My story…

My story…


I started my career as an organizational design consultant with Aon Hewitt and later worked at Willis Towers Watson in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

I spent over ten years working on Organisational Capability Building, Performance Excellence, and Change Management & Communication interventions across for and not-for-profit companies.

A definite perk of my consulting life was the opportunity to engage in conversations with C-suite executives to new managers, subject matter experts to maverick generalists and baby boomers to Gen- Y! The most common denominator of their success, in my understanding, was their willingness and ability to change. I use this and many such ah-ha’s in my coaching conversations. 

Motherhood and then relocation owing to my husband’s job brought me to my crossroads and current coaching career! During this time I developed my seven-step process of demystifying crossroads, which you can get access to here. These exact steps gave me clarity and subsequently my identity as an entrepreneur, coach, consultant and author.

My personal and professional experiences of using doodles and illustrations in taking meeting notes, were a testimonial to the power of visuals. I began with some simple experiments of combining visuals and sketches in my work with coaching small business owners and eventually extended it to strengthen the foundation of my work.

I love to collaborate and co-create. If you do too, then we’re going to make a great team!


Cake smash? Photo session? Big party?
What do I want to give my daughter as a lasting memory of her first birthday?

What’s going to be special to her at 10, 25, 47 or even 60 and beyond?! Ummm…how about

...A book with all the wisdom that I can accumulate for her,
...A book that she can personalize with all the insights that she gathers,
...A book that is her go-to in moments that she's looking for inspiration,
...A book that she can lean into for affirmations,
...A book that can be her very own best-friend-forever!

And that’s how it started!! I then invited role models of positive change to share their mantras to empower every little girl with a dream, every woman with a vision and every changemaker with a plan. These essays strive to empower your story with an affirmation that no matter what and no matter who, it is only you and yours that counts. The essays reaffirm that challenges are very normal in every story worth telling. This compilation of essays is a fabulous example of what we can create, by simply coming together and sharing – our ideas, our passion and most importantly our drive to contribute to the positivity of the universe!
Every essay is written with its own unique intention and reflects the life coach’s inimitable style of narration. The journaling guide associated with each essay is your space, to document your thoughts and build your affirmations; your story, to write and share; and your vision, to nurture and create into a reality.




“While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about.”- Angela Schwindt

My helping hands.

My creative muses.

My knowledge partners.

My cheerleaders.



About 25 years ago, Abbi was a mother with a full-time job, 2 young children, and a husband who traveled on work. Life was chaotic and struggled to keep all her roles in constant motion.

One day, a mentor introduced her to The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and the Franklin Covey planning system. She immediately loved the system and became fully immersed in the principles and ideas outlined by Stephen Covey.

This began a life long journey of learning. Abbi started reading and studying subjects such as productivity, time management, personal motivation, voluntary simplicity and positive psychology. In 2015, she completed her course work through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching and received certification as a professional life coach.

Abbi is an avid quilter actively participates in quilt shows across the country. She is always creating unique quilts and never ceases to amaze me her resourcefulness of putting fabric, scraps and embroidery together for her masterpieces.

Abbi is passionate about mentoring others to prioritize and optimize their personal and professional roles. She works with clients on a one-on-one basis. I am honored that she said ‘yes’ to serve on the Advisory Board of ThinkALOUD Coaching and Consulting!

Core Values


At ThinkALOUD, we place our values at the core of our services and influence our work every day.

love, teamwork, trust, curiosity & creativity…

…are our guiding beliefs and principles that impact our choices and outcomes while keeping our intentions constant.

Our values support our mission and are the essence of ThinkALOUD’s identity.

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