Drawbundance April 2021 (wEBSITE).png

When we allow our creativity to be guided by our consciousness, we attract infinite abundance!
And I believe doodling provides a channel to our consciousness to express our deepest intuitions and our highest purpose.

In my practice or mindful doodling for over the past two years, I have ‘drawn’ a flow abundance in love, play, creativity, money, and wisdom and I’m so excited to share Drawbundance with you!

By registering for this event you also support ThinkALOUD's micro-philanthropy efforts, 100% of the proceeds from this workshop go towards elevating the efforts of The Invisible Girl Project.

The workshop fee of US$39 is the encouraged donation, however, you can absolutely enter any amount in your local currency at checkout!

You will receive an email with the Zoom information shortly after registration, for now, don’t forget to mark your calendar for 11 AM ET, April 30, 2021