Have you been thinking aloud lately…


…because you have a PURPOSE DRIVEN vision that is beyond conventional business economics?

…because you want to create an EMPOWERED CHANGE through inspired confidence and authentic action?


I hear you…!

are you seeking a coach who…

…uncovers your TRUE message to make a big impact ?

…would just actively listen to your ideas and ASPIRATIONS?

…is sounding board for your ‘think alouds’ to CREATE and form ideas?

…challenges you to set ‘smarter’ GOALS and cheers you on?

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i’ve got your back…!

…you bring out your good old fashioned notebook, I’ll bring my fancy markers and we’ll create magic!

…apart from capturing the ideas buzzing in your mind, we will capture the energy behind these ideas,

…and bring them together a clear, concise and colorful mindmap which increases retention of information by as much as 80%!

Doodling is simply the serendipitous collision of creative insights!

Or a conversation keepsake which is a visual reminder of the forwarding action we committed to taking!

Neha’s Doodle and Discover was eye-opening and inspiring. Seeing my words transformed into images in a storyboard format brought a deeper level of awareness and understanding to me and the direction I am going. Neha’s intuition and questions allowed me to go deeper and gain clarity. In our sessions, we worked on my goals, my workshop offer and sent me into action. Being a partner in her creative brain gave me permission to let myself think outside of my own box. This process can benefit anyone, especially those who are looking for a fresh perspective into their own brain!
— Jen O'Grady, Certified Professional Coach

Jen’s Workshop Outline


Start your visual coaching journey with these free tools!



Ready to take action?

Grab this free guide that is my go-to for making my choices count and get into action!

Grab this free guide that is my go-to for making my choices count and get into action!