Client Stories

Rachel T.png

Rachel T, Compliance Adviser

“Neha is an awesome coach!

After having worked with her, I  have known myself better, clarified my confusion and got motivated and challenged to achieve what I thought might be a bit difficult for me to reach at that time.

Neha is intuitive and compassionate.

I would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for more in his/her life!”


“…with Neha's guidance, I was able to accomplish that goal in just six weeks. I did not think that would ever be possible! However, with the creative insights, accountability and, advice I received through Neha, I finished my book and got it published.

Based on what I learned with Neha, I have published two more books, one of which is an Amazon bestseller."

I have wanted to publish a book since I was a little girl!


Christi nix bloomer

Neha's doodle drawing inspires me daily! 


This is my mantra when I know I have to be the strongest believer in me - no one else can do that for me!  Now I have a visual representation of that mantra and look at it often now that it's hanging in my office! 

Love the inspiration and talent she shared with me!!

Hannah Fey

To say that Neha is an extraordinary listener would be an understatement. She doesn't just listen to what is said, but what is not said- and she brings this up to your awareness almost as if it was your own discovery, just vocalized through her being. She is incredibly perceptive and creates a secure space in session for you to be vulnerable, messy, and bare it all, while feeling totally safe to do so. There were so many moments where things in my past began to make sense, and Neha’s unique perspectives gave these events a whole new depth and meaning to my life’s purpose. It was an insightful, meaningful, and an exceptional experience unlike any I’ve had before.

Thank you, Neha!!


Neha has helped me to rediscover my "why" which I had almost forgotten over the last few years. Working with her has brought me a deeper insight into what I really want to do. As a coach, she is both intuitive and calming and knows when I need to validate my thoughts and feelings. At the same time, she motivates me to take action because she inspires me to be creative. A coaching experience with Neha is like having a bunch of 'aha' moments. - Mindi V.

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