15 Summer Afternoons Ago…

Spell summer as R.O.M.A.N.C.E and I’d be like — Heck, yeah!

What makes the two synonymous for me, you ask? 
Let’s start from the end, okay?

This past thunder stormy Saturday afternoon, I was home giving my cranky (with the fever she’s had for the last couple of days) baby girl some much needed TLC, while my little man went grocery shopping with his dad. As they got back, he was not jumping up the stairs as he usually does, but instead I could hear him take some very careful steps.

“Mommy close your eyes, I have a surprise for you!”
“Can you guess what it is?”

I could hear something ruffle. 
He’s shifting on his feet as usual, I smile.

I do make a couple of honest guesses — watermelon, strawberries? What else would he have got from the grocery store? More M&Ms?!

No!! Open your eyes!!

As I squint my eyes open, I startle! And shake my head vigorously.

He giggles out loud.

She makes a feeble attempt and giggling too.

For me, the present moment is suddenly a blur, and I clearly see every detail of THAT Saturday afternoon.

July 26, 2003.

I’m pacing about in my dorm room checking my lipstick, each time I pass the mirror. Heels — check. Dangling earrings — check. Perfume — check.

I tap on my watch. Is this thing still working?

Finally! It is 4.30. He should be here any minute.

The window! The window at the end of this hallway, I’d be able to catch a glimpse from there.

Ah! Daises! A big bunch of white daisies!

He was paying attention after all. It was hard to tell then, as it usually is when you’re speaking to someone over the phone, but he was listening!

Even though the staircase is at the other end of the hallway, I can hear his steady, firm strides. And then. My heart skipped a beat.

First date! It is happening! Do I know him? 
If 10 months, 12 days, 5 hours, 4 minutes and 27 seconds count for anything, yes! I do know him. 
Is it the record longest that two people have known and spoken to each other and yet never met? 
In human years — maybe, in dog years — nah!

Does he know me? Heck yeah! He remembered the white daisies!

Was there love, you ask?

He had me at hello*, my friend.



“These are for you.” 
Darn! For the life of me, what did they teach me at the finishing school about managing an awkward poise?

“They’re beautiful”
Ahem, I clear my throat and perhaps even the overwhelm in my heart. “They’re gorgeous! Thank you!”

“Would you like some water?”
“Huh? Okay”
I squirm as he sets down the cup with condensed water droplets on lovely wallpapered table (don’t ask me why that table was adorned with wallpaper?!)
“Um, could you, um, use a…mmm…coaster, for that cup…? It’s right there…” I point. Who says that? — I reprimand myself, as we make eye contact, and for the very first time, I look into his deep, brown, happy eyes.

It was much later that I read ‘The Secret’ and started practicing the law of attraction, but by golly, I literally manifested this guy!

What followed was an evening beyond anything I’d ever imagined, read about or watched on screen — we talked — about life, matters of the heart and also our unborn children, we laughed — at how crazy this was, we marveled — at our fate (and the internet of course!), we entwined our fingers — as we began walking towards our perfect future and we fell in love — almost the way you fall asleep, slowly at first and then all at once!!**

“Mommmmeeeeeyyy….!! Do YOU like them??”

“They’re beautiful”
Ahem, I clear my throat and perhaps even the overwhelm in my heart. “They’re gorgeous! Thank you!!”