Words have power!

Last week, I sent my first ever email to my subscribers and I got several responses to that mail. Some from friends who I hear from regularly and some from the most unexpected acquaintances. I cherished them all, because they had one common theme – encouragement for my effort and aspirations!

When it comes to encouragement, every word counts!

And If there’s one universal truth that I have whole-heartedly begun to believe in, it is – words have power.

Words either build up someone’s spirit or tear it down, they either encourage or discourage – there is no middle ground.
The words spoken into our life today have a tremendous impact on our life tomorrow.

As an introvert I have always thrived on words of encouragement received from family, friends, coworkers or any other source! Over the years, I have also realized the importance of surrounding myself with people who I can turn to for inspiration, reassurance and even praise. Encouragement goes straight to the heart.

Encouragement can come to you from anywhere but for days you need it the most, surround yourself with:

Authentic friends who have your back and are always honest with you,
Cheerleaders who motivate you through your challenges and celebrate your smallest wins,
Successful mentor who accomplished goals you’d like to achieve and can patiently guide you through your challenges
and Good listeners because they will make you feel heard and reassure that it is actually okay to feel the way you’re feeling.

When it comes to encouragement, giving back is as important as receiving it.

Compliment your kiddo for putting on his shoes all by himself and see how he beams with pride
Say a heartfelt thank you to your server at the restaurant is sure to make him forget how tiring his job is
A warm hug to your better half for watching the Friends reruns on a game-night
Or an unexpected email to your ex-colleague in appreciation of all that you learnt from them.

I came across this quote from Loretta Girzartis – “If someone listens, or stretches out a hand, or whispers a kind word of encouragement, or attempts to understand, extraordinary things begin to happen.”

I know my extraordinary began with a few words of encouragement, did yours too?