29 Days of Doodling

In January this year, as most people would have, I too realized that it is a leap year, which meant February would come with one extra day - a fourth of which we have been accumulating every year!

As I read more about it, I found that spiritually February in a leap year comes with a rare energy to experience - that helps us bring our ideas into the physical world. The extra day creates a sense of extra time to get our stuff done and this collective consciousness creates a vibrational impact on the dimension of time in the Universe! So cool, isn’t it?

So I wondered, what kind of energy was in store for me this February? And what would I want to do more of? And the answer that literally came as a voice in my head was - a DOODLE a DAY! 

So first I ordered me some new pens...just because...all good stories start with new pens!

Then I crowd-sourced doodling ideas and came up with some of my own…looking back at February I see fun and fulfillment! And lots of learning!

🧞‍♂️Learning to listen to my intuition...
💫Learning a thing or two about lines and curves...
🤹🏽‍♀️Learning to be accountable...
📈Learning to be consistent...
🙇🏻‍♀️Learning to embrace my flawsomeness...!